Spilled Tea

Where the tea is spilled

Hi! My name is Kaleena (kah-lee-na). I was cutting green beans for dinner one night and decided to start a blog. Because I work like that. I know this is really bad, and if you personally know me, don't tell me how bad this is. I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I love animals, except horses. I have many family members. I will post on weekend, and I allow you to email me and yell at me if I don't post in over a week. I will post about life, or things I want people to know or what I think is cool. Feel free to give me tips, or things to write about. I hope you like "Spilled Tea", and become a tea sipper!
About Me, and Spilled Tea image

What is this?

I try to get a popular slang word every week, so I'm gonna share my ridiculousness with you guys!!! I will also put what the word means in my mind.


This means like super cool and fun.
ex. My Halloween party is gonna be lit!



This means mad and angry.
ex. I'm so salty! He is totally crashing my party!



This means the gossip.
ex. "oooh, spill all of the tea from your date last night."



A combination of mom and monster.
ex. My momster almost ran over a bunny yesterday!


*sound effect bling*
This is just a great sound. Its fantastic.
ex. She said, "Bling!"
She yelled, "Bling!"
She screamed from the rooftop, "Bling!"
another example. "Hey I lure people to my project by saying *bling* every time someone walks by"


Oh my gosh
Means lots of excitement and happiness.
ex. "OMG look at my Christmas socks"
nov 25-dec 1


This means like so super exciting or crazy.
ex. "I just got a dog" said not me
"OMG I'm shook" says me
dec 2-8th


This means super excited and thrilled.
ex. "I'm pumped for ice skating!"
dec 9-15th


Amazing, or looking good but sarcastically.
ex. "Oh, I look hot. lol no." says me
dec 16th-22nd


None for Dec. 23rd-Jan. 5th


 Can be used in like any context.
ex. "You finna go to the movies?" "Yes, I finna go."
"This be finna hot" 'I finna love this"
Jan. 6th- 12th


Throw; to throw something
ex. " Would you yeet a goose?"
Jan. 13th-19th


What is said in an awkward time of silence or when something bad happens.
ex. "I love you," said peep 1. *awkward silence* "oof" says peep 2.
Jan. 20th-26th


Ok this is pronounced "skirt" but it mean to like zoom.
ex." Woah I skrrted across the parking lot."

Yes Queen

This is a very exaggerated form of yes, or just something fun to say when you are excited.
ex. "Do you want steak" "YES QUEEN"
2/3/19-2/9/ 19


This is a word you wold call your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife, but if you are older than 14 you should never say this.
ex. "Hey bae, whats for lunch?"

Theres a problem my peeps

No this is not a word. But I have used lots of words, so these will not be every week. Probably one or two a month. Sorry. But you try having a tiny brain and try to think of a popular word each week. (and let me tell you, im not cool so my vocabulary is limited) If you find a word you want me to use, email me at teasippersweb@gmail.com and ill do it.

Our Generation

How I Feel About this Generation

How to Pick out the Good and the Bad Friends

What the good and bad friends look like and why you should get rid of the bad


The horrible things that can save a life or kill you

Standardized Testing Thoughts

*under construction*

What is this?

So this section will have 13 posts over the course of 2019, this being one. Every month I will update it with a goal of mine for the month. What I am doing with this is I want to make you think and maybe also do something similar so 2019 isn't terrible.

January 2019

My role model is Sue Sylvester from "Glee". She is amazing and I aspire to be her.
My goal is to learn to yoga because I want to actually use my yoga ball correctly.

February 2019

Happy February! This month I am going to start doing tennis and running.
My role model is Ellen Degeneres because she is successful and has overcome all of the challenges she has faced.

March 2019

My goal for this month is to get better at tennis, and my role model is myself because I am great.


My goal is to get to 100% on 7th grade Khan Academy. Its harder than you might think.

White Board Hack

So I have 2 really cheap white board that don't clean very well but I found that if you wipe it down with a wet towel, then use the tiniest bit of nail polish remover and wipe it and then wipe it with water again it cleans easily

Party Hack

I mean this is kinda simple and obvious but get decorations from the dollar store. They have tons of stuff that is useful and fun. And,  its cheap and 7th graders can easily buy stuff from there.

Earbud Hack

This is really cool and it works really well. To prevent your earbuds from getting tangled, wrap your earbuds in a figure eight around your fingers and use the end to wrap the rest around the middle and put the earbuds or jack in the hole.\

Hair Hack

When you put your hair in a ponytail or something and all those baby hairs stick up, use a toothbrush with hairspray to get them down.
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States