24 Oct

So, every quarter,  at my school, we get new exploratories, or electives, and this quarter I got P.E. (ew) and digital arts and media, and I thought I would talk about the second class. 

I have heard it is SO MUCH FUN and the teacher is great. And so far, I totally agree. Except for one thing. The blog we had to make. We put all of our projects there (I believe). And let me tell you, it is horrible. It is a completely different blog making website, blogger. I use site 123 which is fantastic. But since I use this consistently, and have been for a while, it sucks learning a new program.  

It is such a downside, because it just is going to get confusing.

Like, I switched lockers earlier in the school year, because I wasn't by the seventh graders, but at the very end of the sixth grade hall.  And to this day, I will almost start walking to my old locker. Get to the point, Kaleena! Well, I am sure I will mix up the two sites, which will be horrible.

Man. I'm salty.

But the class is tons of fun aside from that.

So, tell me what you think at teasippersweb@gmail.com. Give me stories, comments, etc.

-mwah, Kaleena

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