07 Oct

OMG an actual blog post?! I am also amazed, tea sippers. But here's the tea on my life!

So, Saturday, I slept and watched Netflix. I went to the mall with my wonderful BFF. Then I napped, until I was woken up by some loud person that didn't sound familiar. I found out it was my moms boyfriends friends, and I was like, gross, people. I went out to dinner with my sister, and came back and found out their son was in my science class. #weird

Sunday I did nothing. 

Monday was horrible. I had school It was lame. But I walked home with a kid I was BFFs with in 3rd grade, until he switched schools. It was so awkward. 

Tuesday; lame. My shoes went missing.

I had student council Wednesday. Other than that, lame. Shoes still missing. 

Thursday was more horrible than Monday. My mothers boyfriend forgot about the fact that he takes me to school, and slept in, almost making me and my lovely friend late. But we got there! Yay, she said oh so sarcastically. Me and my art besties finished our project, but we couldn't give it to the teacher we were going to, because he wasn't there, so we have to wait until Monday. But the day ended and I was happy! 

I didn't have school Friday, but I did do my science project. That was it though. Except for playing with a puppy, I did that.

Saturday was lame until I saw "A Simple Favor" with my sister and stepmom. It was amazing.

I hope you liked this, and email me at teasippersweb@gmail.com with stories, comments, etc. 

-mwah, Kaleena

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