13 Sep

So , I got this idea from a friend who has the BEST story of all time, so I decided to write mine. Keep in mind, I am a quiet goody-two shoes that never breaks the rules, so this may be really lame.

Lets start with this year. 

So, to me, first impressions are everything. On the first day of school, I dress my best, and just overall act like I came straight from heaven. So it was the same this year. My teachers didn't say anything about setting up binders, but we needed them the next day. So by the end of the day, I kind of understood that they didn't care how it was set up, they just wanted what they needed. I decided to do it while my teacher was explaining something,  because I can do that. I listen, but I also do other things. So, I will admit she was showing us something, I wasn't looking, and before that I kinda zoned out. But, she started making this really annoying noise with a pencil sharpener, and I didn't think anything of it. I thought she was doing it while she was sharpening a pencil. Spoiler alert, I as wrong. My friend nudged me, and then I looked and realized I was the only one in the class that wasn't paying attention to her. I was just dieing of embarrassment! It was horrible.

Another one was  when I was in fourth grade. There was a so-called "haunted" bathroom stall, and it was just my favorite bathroom stall there was. ( Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you) There was this other girl, we'll call her Sophie. She was weird like me, and loved this stall to. When it was "bathroom time" we both headed to the bathroom. We knew what stall we would both be headed for, so we kinda ran-walked.  But this one snotty teacher saw me and Sophie "running" and she yelled at us. She like freaked out, and told us to go back to our classroom. I hate getting in any type of trouble, so this was terrible as it was. But then, this snotty teacher comes in, and asks my darling teacher if we told her what happened. We are like "um, no" and she literally rats me and Sophie out. To the WHOLE CLASS. I was horrified. 

Omg and I totally pantsed myself in fifth grade too. I think no one saw, but it was terrible. I had this long white skirt on, on I stood up to do something, and I stepped on my skirt and it came down. I like was humiliated. But no one saw. I still wanted to die.

SO, I may update this with more stories at later times. But send me your embarrassing story at teasippersweb@gmail.com .  I hope you enjoyed this!

-mwah, Kaleena

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