19 Nov

So in elementary school, we had lunch monitors that would watch us during the recess we had before lunch. And in 2nd, 3rd, there was this lady who had the job and everyone loved her. 

Obviously she was LONELY because if you hung out with her during recess she would give you a pride mark, which was kind of the currency at the school. 

And to make this clear, every teacher loved me. 

But this dear lady HATED me.  I don't know why, like I was and still am a good kid. But she would always forgeet to give me a pride mark or give it to me reluctantly. 

This one time, it was really icy so some friends and I volunteered to help yell at people to stay of the slides so they don't get hurt. At the end of recess, we went to retrieve our earned pride marks. She gave one to all my friends, looked at me, and in her evil witch-y voice, said, "I saw you running around on there, so I'm not giving one to you."

I WAS on a small step CONNECTED TO THE GROUND during the recess, but I never got on the thing because I was and am a good kid who follows the rules. 

In conclusion, this lady SUCKED.

Tell me what you think at teasippersweb@gmail.com. Hope you liked my pain with this dumb lady!

-mwah, Kaleena

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