01 Feb

So my sister said I should become a vlogger. I did it. BUT its complicated. 

I put up a poll on instagram, and me vlogging won. I spent money on it because I thought it would be easy.

I was wrong and it was NOT easy.

Well, the actual vlogging was, but when I started to edit, thats when the trouble started.

I had downloaded a program, and I edited it really easily! But when I looked at it, the video had whats called a watermark, which is an annoying line thing covering the video that was like "made by this company" and I was like no. 

So I downloaded another, and it wasn't like the first one as much, and I found another, and another, and another, and finally, I learned how to use another one.

I was so happy, and I did it, but when I put it on youtube, it was vertical. So I did it AGAIN. And it was still vertical. BTW, I learned you had to film horizontal on a phone before this, so I thought I was doing good. I was still vertical on youtube. It still is because I completely gave up.

And I went to edit last weeks vlog, and it said my free trial had expired. IT SAID NOTHING ABOUT THIS BEING A FREE TRIAL. 

So I'm trying to figure this out. But yes, I'm gonna be a vlogger eventually. Check me out at KaleenaVlogs (exactly like that, and like the second one down). 

I hope you liked my tragic story of pain. 

-mwah, Kaleena

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