Ok, for real tho, what does it take to be president?

I just got elected to my school's student council, but we don’t have a president, vice, etc., we are all just representatives, but I got to thinking, what does it actually take to become president?

Obviously, I know the basics, 35 years old, you have to have lived in the U.S.A. for at least 14 years, and a “natural born citizen”. (I literally do not know what that last one means, and I even googled it, and google doesn’t know)

 But aside from that. If my dad ran for president, there is NO way he would make it, and he meets all of those requirements.  

You have to be a democrat, or republican or whatever else like that. 

But please wonderful world, but it in words kids can understand. Adults underestimate kids, so we never hear anything, am I right? OK, off topic. 

Honestly, you have to be big, well known, and have the ability to make DUMB decisions. That is how life works. You have to be rich, or famous, or both.

And that's it! Please email me at teasipperweb@gmail.com with arguments, facts, or what the heck “natural born citizen" means!

-mwah, Kaleena

*update-my lovely BFF let me know a natural born citizen "requires not only birth on U.S. soil but also birth to parents who are both U.S. citizens" Thanks BFF