Guinea Pigs

So my dear friend requested I do something on guinea pigs, so I am.

These lovely balls of fur are adorable pets. We love them with all of our hearts, but where did they originate from? When were they domesticated? How where they used before the idea of keeping them in cages came upon us human beings??

Well, guinea pigs still roam free in South America. They roam in rocky places, grassland, and forest edges. They live in groups of 10 adults, and live in burrows.  They actually are more active at night, and pet guinea pigs are like that to, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong).

They were domesticated as early as 2000 B.C., by present day Bolivia and Peru. They were kept for food, and maybe family pets. They were usually presents, like wedding gifts. 

The popularity for the animals may have come from Queen Elizabeth 1, because she had one as a pet!

 The name may have come from several things. Dutch and English traders in the 1700's may have stopped in Guinea, so there is that. Also, they have "pig" like shape and manners. They also kind of walk like pigs! 

They are not related to pigs, but are related to rodent. In my opinion, rodent is a harsh term for the cute little things!

Email me at with argument, corrections, comment, etc. I hope you like this, especially you Trin😊🤣😉, and become a tea sipper!

-mwah, Kaleena