In my opinion, fast food is horrible and should be stopped.  But I do like a couple places, and my taste buds are weird. 

But technically, almost all of fast food is so unhealthy and should be stopped. You can easily get half of your daily calories in a lunch. A chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-a is 440 calories. If you add medium fries, its 890 calories. That is not horrible, but still you get 39 grams of fat from that. And then if you want to take a trip to Mcdonalds, prepare yourself for the 1073 calories from your Big Mac and fries. Th

Most sandwich places, like Subway, are better, but still not the healthiest option. 

But its cheap (much cheaper than healthy things) and really easily accessible.  I mean, who wouldn't want to spend $10 on a dinner for two and only have to drive for 8 minutes in total.  Sure, its making people rich and offering jobs, but you would think the junk food is more expensive, and the health stuff is cheap. 

Especially with the high obesity rate in the U.S, you would think somebody would try to make a difference. I know I will when I'm president. 

Well, tell me what you think at I hope you learned something from this! 

-mwah, Kaleena