Me and my friend Mia were talking in guitar class (which you will hear about some other time) about songs to play, since our teacher told us to find a song of our choice to play. We both said it wasn't only hard to find easy chords, it was impossible to find a some that wasn't Mary had a Little Lamb that was school appropriate. But honestly, that is our generation.

It has been said we are the most depressed generation, the technology generation. And that is part of living in the U.S. in 2018. Cussing is in all the good songs, or it talks about drugs or other things that aren’t very appropriate for 12 year olds. 

Those millennials need to learn that we are something else. After like, fourth grade, we kinda begin to know the “real” world. The world where fairies and mystical beings that deliver presents don’t exist. Like, no we don’t want to start paying taxes at 10, but we want to not be treated like dumb little kids who know absolutely nothing.

But honestly, why have we all changed so much, from baby boomers, to millenials, to get z'ers. We are so different. That makes me think why. Why have we changed? Why do we progress, creating life changing technology's every year? The iphone, the laptop, even the wheel? What made us humans do this?

Scientifically, as humans it’s is in our nature to mature and develop. We are constantly adapting to the world around us. Some adaptations for our generation have been technologically driven but others have been human rights driven. We are a generation that is now being taught to be who we are. 

 This is a great thing but I think that some older people feel threatened by our sense of self. I also think all the “hate” on our generation is not helping the depression epidemic.  

And, this all is pretty much my mind and wondering about the existence of life and not paying attention in science and like just philosophy.

Ok talk to me. Email me at with stories, arguments, and comments. Tell me what you think! 

-mwah, Kaleena (And my amazing BFF who elaborated on the topic….I may or may not have said like 3 things word for word from her email… know.. you’re great BFF!!)