So, we all know those bad friends. We all have them. They are rude, obnoxious, and self absorbed. There's those ones who just don't give you any attention AT ALL, or the ones how literally just complain. 

I am definitely annoying, obnoxious, and a control freak who complains a lot. But that's  why my friend love me. I am not necessarily a bad friend. I show tons of sympathy, I care about them, but also, its my nature, and I can control myself. If those friends aren't like that, they might just be one to get rid of.

 I am not calling me perfect though, because I am not and I can guarantee you my friends have had times they want to shove me off a cliff.

Those bad friends can bring you down, and make you feel bad. "Am I not good enough" "Am I a good friends" "I must be doing something wrong because of her/his actions" NO. Those are signs of friends who you should be running to the hills from. 

The lovely good friends. Of course, they can be annoying sometimes, but they show support and care about you and show you sympathy. They are fantastic. They are one in a million. You should never let them go. 

Go find that amazing friend tomorrow, or today. Tell them they are fantastic, give them a hug, and run away weirdly.

If you have any arguements, advice, or storys, feel free to email them to me At, and become a loyal tea sipper!

-mwah, Kaleena