So, these are relatively simple, and so much fun. I made one over spring break and it literally looked like a goddess made it.

So, first things first, get tons of newspaper. And flour, and water. Make the paste by mixing flour and water together. You want to add the water slowly, and you want the mix to be the consistency of pancake batter.

Rip the newspaper into strips. And get a bowl, whatever size you want your bowl to be. 

And on to the fun part, making it. Do one good layer, and leave it to dry. Do another 2 layers, but let is dry in between. It should pop off pretty easy, and you may have to help it a little. You also may want to put another layer or strengthen parts of it. Let it dry for 2ish days so it is completely dry.

You can leave it like that, if you smooth it out really well and make it look good, or you can paint it. Paint it all white first, then do whatever. I painted mine light blue and then splatter painted it. 

This is pretty time consuming, but they turn out good most of the time.

Email me at with pictures of yours, stories, arguments, etc. Thanks for reading,, and I hope you become a tea sipper!

-mwah, Kaleena